The wait is finally over, not only am I updating my blog after a seriously long absence, but I finally received my layout back from the UK with the complimentary copy of the magazine it was published in. Actually, the magazine/layout arrived about a month ago and I still haven't had a chance to look at it. I had just arrived back from an unexpected trip to find my package had arrived. I ripped into it as soon as I realised it was here and skimmed through to find my layout. I briefly looked at it, flashed it around at our visitors and haven't had a chance to spend some time enjoying the mag since.
Here's the official fine print I have to add: as seen in ScrapBook Inspirations Idea Book Volume 1 (March 2010)
We had visitors staying with us for a wedding, which I missed because I had to go on the unexpected trip, so I thought it would be rude to sit down to immediately devour it. Besides, I was starving and exhausted from the 5 hour journey after a couple of full-on days. Did I mention our car battery died that morning? We got a jump start but were told we couldn't stop the motor until we reached a small town about a half hour away. We hadn't finished our errands so I drove the car around the country lanes while the person I was with finished off our jobs - lucky for us it is a small town and everything was within walking distance. Did I mention we also needed to get gas? We made it all the way to the next biggest town an hour away to get gas and the car started again no problems afterwards - phew! One good point was, right after we realised the car wouldn't start when we got out and lifted the bonnet to do checks etc. I thought I could hear a Tui and looked up into the tree above the car to see one spying on us. I've never seen one in civilisation (ie, not in the bush or at an animal park).
Boy was I glad to be home but it was short lived as we had to make the trip south again three days later. My excuse for not updating or creating since then is that I have been busy getting caught up at work - did I mention my company was sold when I was away and I wasn't there to smooth some things over? On top of that, a close family member had planned but significant surgery so I have spent my time up at the hospital and at home helping to ease the boredom of 6 weeks of recuperating. Phew - what a month and now it is June already. In the meantime I have booked a trip to the South Island for SENZ in July (my first time to the South Island SENZ) and today the class list was released and for the first time I have booked into a class. I am looking forward to it - I hope it gives me my mojo back.
I'm off to the big smoke for the long weekend ahead. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with good friends and I may even take a few pictures along the way....and if I can finagle it, I will pop into a few scrapbook shops up there too.